Unlock Your Future in Psychology with an MSc Psychology Conversion at Birmingham Newman University!
Curious about the science behind how we think, act, and connect?
Ready to take the next step toward a career in psychology, even if your undergraduate degree isn’t in the field?
The MSc Psychology (Conversion) at Birmingham Newman University is the first stage towards your journey towards a professional career in psychology.
Whether you're switching from another discipline or your psychology degree doesn’t meet the criteria for further psychology study, this course gives you the foundation you need.
It's accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), meaning it provides eligibility for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) – a crucial step to continue your postgraduate psychology training and make your career dreams a reality!
Join us at one of our upcoming webinars to find out more!
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Wednesday 9 April 2025. 18:00pm
Wednesday 25 June 2025, 12:00pm
Wednesday 20 August 2025, 11:00am
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